1 White Mandarin male


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1 White Mandarin male Ducks For Sale

The White Mandarin Duck is one of the most stunning varieties of exotic waterfowl we carry. Known for its cultural significance and elaborate courting rituals, the Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) is a close relative of the North American Wood Duck.

Mandarin Ducks have  been a favorite subject in oriental art for ages. Similar to the full-color Mandarins, these white ducks have hood-shaped head feathers that curve and taper to the back of the head.

Mandarin Ducks perform a unique and elaborate courtship ritual which includes shaking, drinking, bill dipping, whistling, loud barks, and preening. Mandarin Ducks raise their crest and orange “sail” feathers to show off and make an unusual whistling sound during courtship.

Buy White Mandarin male Ducks Texas

Mandarins do well in captivity when kept in covered aviaries or pinioned. They fly very well and can travel several hundred miles in a day. Although the wild population is suffering, there is a healthy captive population.


Beautiful and elegant the white mandarin is a must have for anyone who enjoys waterfowl color mutations. The tan colored feathers of the drakes tend to get very bleached out if they are exposed to a lot of full sun. This effect can be quite dramatic with birds sometimes becoming pure white by mid summer. After the fall molt the tan feathers will reappear. Care and breeding are the same as the normal colored bird.


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