1 Mandarin male


In our experience if left full-winged on open water, most wild ducks will eventually fly away. If you choose to keep wild ducks on open water we recommend having those birds pinioned. Pinioned birds have been made permanently flightless by the surgical removal part of one wing.

1 Mandarin male Duck For Sale Near Me

Mandarins have larger eyes than any other waterfowl in relation to their bodies, this helps them to be able to navigate through the trees and wooded areas in their natural habitat.

Mandarin ducks are native to southeast Russia, China, Japan, and Korea and have long been a symbol of love and fidelity for couples in those areas. In the Orient, it is common for a pair of figurines of Mandarin Ducks to be given to newlyweds, and they are used in feng shui to help maintain a healthy relationship.

Mandarin Ducks For Sale

Mandarin Ducks perform a unique and elaborate courtship ritual which includes shaking, drinking, bill dipping, whistling, loud barks, and preening. Mandarin Ducks raise their crest and orange “sail” feathers to show off and make an unusual whistling sound during courtship. Mandarin Ducks are sexually mature at one year.

Easy to care for, easy to raise and arguably one of the worlds most beautiful birds, no wonder mandarins are our top selling duck. They are great for the beginner and often favored by the more advanced aviculturist as well. The exquisite mandarin is sure to add beauty to any landscape.


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